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Saks High  School


4401 Saks Road, Anniston, AL 36206

256-741-7000- Phone



History of Saks High School


In the late 1940's, the Joseph Saks family donated land for a school in the Saks community in the northern suburb of Anniston. The school would become Saks Jr. High School covering grades 1-9. A small, white building would house the first grades at the school, but a new brick structure complete with a Jr. High gym that was "state of the art," at the time, was to follow. The school was expanded to include senior high grades in the late 50's with the first graduating class to come in 1962. Today, Saks enjoys a campus that includes three buildings for classes, two gyms, a band room, a choir room, a large Home Economics Department, and a beautiful athletic complex with four fields, but the campus is still known as "Dear ol' S.H.S."

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2601 Mission St. 

​San Francisco, CA 94110    

​Tel: 123-456-7890 

​Fax: 123-456-7890    



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© 2016 by Coach Owen, Saks High School

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